
General presentation


One of the largest textile mills in Poland closed in 1996. Apsys contacted us to consider the metamorphosis of this site with over 100 years of history, extending over 27 hectares. Challenge: Make it a destination place with a shopping center, museums, convention center hotel, sports complex, multiplex, as well as offices. This renewal should respect the existing architecture.

Our response

Le fait de rouvrir cette usine devenue accessible et d’y adjoindre un rynek, une grande place autour de laquelle la vie s’installe, a été les points de départ essentiels pour dessiner un véritable lieu de centralité. L’espace public de 4 hectares concentre les flux et dessert un véritable mix use. Les habitants se sont très vite approprié les lieux.

Architectural Mission

The “industrial castle” spirit and the 12 brick buildings classified as historical monuments have been kept. The new shopping center brings a contemporary typology while incorporating the rewritten codes of original industrial architecture. This plan received the ULI 2008 Prize for the best European shopping center in the “Very Large” category.

Engineering Mission

This Pharaonic and complex construction site mobilized many professionals. It was first necessary to clean up the site.

Technical Description


Groupe Apsys


180,000 m2


€ 200 million

Environmental Performance


Arching Mission

  • Complete architectural mission
  • Sketches APS PC APD PRO MOEX


See the project